
I Hope You Know

I will keep it short and simple:

I hope you know that it really breaks my heart to tell you what I am about to tell you. First of all, I’m grateful for EVERYTHING that you have done. You have a different way of showing affection but at the end of the day we all know it is because you care.

Secondly, I don’t care whatever it is that you want to believe but what I believe in is important to me – and that is you are a BEAUTIFUL person inside and out. You are funny, witty, sincere… oh my, I cannot continue. The thought of never being able to see that pretty dimple on your face much longer saddens me, and I don’t like that.

Last and definitely not the least, I love you… with all my heart. I know I have never said those words to you but I know you know that I do.

Again, thank you so much for everything.


Would You?

If I told you a secret,
would you keep it?
If I gave you a gift,
would you treasure it?
If I sang you a song,
would you like it?
If I broke our promise,
would you hate me?
If I felt pissed,
would you talk to me?
If I loved you,
would you love me too?
If I need someone’s shoulder to cry on,
would you be that someone?

Guess what I was trying to say was…
would you be mine?