
Hair FAQs

Did you braid your hair yourself or do you have someone who do it for you?

How do you braid your hair on your own?

Won’t your arms get tired from tying your hair like that?

How long do you take to braid your hair?


Styling My Bangs The Easiest Way

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Mom And My Hair


I’ve decided to keep my long ass hair for a few more months. I initially felt like shaving everything off after the bad break up (with Nightwing almost a month ago) but Mom made me change my mind last night. She unexpectedly complimented my hair again while I was accompanying her to get ready for work.

Coming from someone like my mom really means a lot to me as she is one of the three people who knows me well, but the only one who sees the beauty in the things I do. I love her so much to a point she finds it annoying sometimes. Haha.

Anyway, lets just see how much longer I can bear with it this time before I feel like chopping my hair off again.


I Love It Long


It took me about 10 months, and I am now finally missing my long messy hairdo. It will take me another 2-3 years for my hair to grow to the exact length that I want, which sucks. I miss braiding and styling my hair into whatever I feel like experimenting. It is difficult now with shorter hair because of the layers.

Nightwing was not a fan of my long ‘do so he kept bugging me to cut it short. When I finally did, it was late September 2013. I surprised him (and everyone on Instagram) less than a month later and he liked it. I adored it too AT FIRST. Well, at least my hair now is in the most healthiest state it has ever been since primary 6.

(Not so fun) fact: I was 12 when my hair got damaged for the first time and it was not because of hair dye.