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Lets Play… 10 Questions

I’ll start:

  1. Who was your first celebrity crush?
  2. Do you think pizza is food?
  3. What are your 3 must-haves to a family gathering/reunion?
  4. Can you name all of Snow White’s 7 dwarves without cheating?
  5. Do you like your hair long or short?
  6. From the number 1 to 10, 10 being the highest score, rate how great you are at tying a knot with only your mouth.
  7. What’s the first thing that came to your mind after reading this question?
  8. Name one thing your eyes are known for.
  9. Would you rather cry at every single insult thrown at you or get angry at anything anyone says for the rest of your life?
  10. If you could be any song in this world, which song would you be and why?

Now you, yes the one reading this now, it’s up to you if you want to answer the questions in your blog post. I’ve decided to do this ‘cos I got bored and also because I’d like to know more about other people. It’s just for fun, so yeah.

Lemme know if you have 10 questions for me too. I’d be happy to answer them (:


My Sister’s Assassination Fail

Second day of successfully sticking to my 30-minute workout routine! Yes! *jumps up and down for the next 7 seconds* Of course I earned myself a few more cramps here and there, thighs especially. Nonetheless, the feeling of accomplishment is awesome sauce 😉

So yeah, I totally had fun playing Assassin’s Creed with my sisters. Sure there were complicated bits here and there, plus scaring the living thing out of me with its random sound effects/voices, but I cannot seem to get it out of my head now. One of the times we laughed out loud was when Altair (then controlled by my youngest sister, Rain) on a horse accidentally bumped into a soldier. Rain panicked terribly that Rayla – my other sister – and I took some time bursting into laughters before regaining composure.

As soon as we were done with the game for the day, my sisters and I enjoyed a

dinner of Indian and Western food. Yeah… I did not do much today. Too bad. Bye!